This web page shows the issues in the functions in the package CARBayes if there are any. The table below shows the list of inputs passed that are generated by fuzzers and the valgrind issues with corresponding CPP file and line number.


R: 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) -- "Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out"
VALGRIND: valgrind-3.15.0
PACKAGE: release before 2021-01-01
name inputs message file.line valgrind_log executable.file
CARBayes:::binomialcarupdateMALA failures nsites offset phi_tune phi rho tau2 trials Wbegfin Wtriplet Wtripletsum y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 136 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::binomialcarupdateRW failures nsites offset phi_tune phi rho tau2 Wbegfin Wtriplet Wtripletsum y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 210 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::binomialindepupdateMALA failures nsites offset sigma2 theta_tune theta trials y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 467 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::binomialindepupdateRW failures nsites offset sigma2 theta_tune theta y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 521 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::gaussiancarmultilevelupdate n_individual nsites nu2 offset phi rho tau2 Wbegfin Wtriplet Wtripletsum Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 1996 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::gaussiancarupdate nsites nu2 offset phi rho tau2 Wbegfin Wtriplet Wtripletsum Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 1271 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::linpredcompute beta nsites offset p X Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 57 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::poissoncarupdateMALA nsites offset phi_tune phi rho tau2 Wbegfin Wtriplet Wtripletsum y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 862 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::poissoncarupdateRW nsites offset phi_tune phi rho tau2 Wbegfin Wtriplet Wtripletsum y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 935 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::poissonindepupdateMALA nsites offset sigma2 theta_tune theta y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 563 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::poissonindepupdateRW nsites offset sigma2 theta_tune theta y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 619 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::quadform n_triplet nsites phi rho theta Wtriplet Wtripletsum Use of uninitialised value of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 86 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::zipcarupdateMALA nsites offset phi_tune phi poiind rho tau2 Wbegfin Wtriplet Wtripletsum y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 1072 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::zipcarupdateRW nsites offset phi_tune phi poiind rho tau2 Wbegfin Wtriplet Wtripletsum y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 1000 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::zipindepupdateMALA nsites offset poiind sigma2 theta_tune theta y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 1199 valgrind_log executable-test-file
CARBayes:::zipindepupdateRW nsites offset poiind sigma2 theta_tune theta y Invalid read of size 8 src/CARBayes.cpp : 1142 valgrind_log executable-test-file