This web page shows the issues in the functions in the package DPWeibull if there are any. The table below shows the list of inputs passed that are generated by fuzzers and the valgrind issues with corresponding CPP file and line number.


R: 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) -- "Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out"
VALGRIND: valgrind-3.15.0
PACKAGE: release before 2021-01-01
name inputs message file.line valgrind_log executable.file
DPWeibull:::compnoreg a alpha0 alpha00 alpha1 alpha2 alphaalpha alphalambda b burnin c delta gamma0 gamma1 iteration lambda00 lambda01 lambda02 lambda1 lambda2 m ngrp nm nu p t thin tplot ymax 4 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 1,334 compnoreg.cpp : 197 valgrind_log executable-test-file
DPWeibull:::compreg a alpha0 alpha00 alpha1 alpha2 alphaalpha alphalambda b beta1 beta2 betasl burnin c delta gamma0 gamma1 iteration lambda00 lambda01 lambda02 lambda1 lambda2 m ngrp nm nu p t thin tplot x xplot1 xplot2 ymax 4 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 1,338 compreg.cpp : 242 valgrind_log executable-test-file
DPWeibull:::noreg a alpha alpha0 alpha00 alphaalpha alphalambda b burnin c delta iteration lambda lambda0 lambda00 m ngrp nm nu pi t thin tl tr ymax 4 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 1,330 noreg.cpp : 187 valgrind_log executable-test-file
DPWeibull:::predcompreg alpha alpharec1 alpharec2 betarec1 betarec2 lambdarec1 lambdarec2 prec tplot xplot Invalid read of size 8 compreg.cpp : 496 valgrind_log executable-test-file
DPWeibull:::predreg alpha alpharec betarec lambdarec tplot xplot Invalid read of size 8 reg.cpp : 390 valgrind_log executable-test-file
DPWeibull:::reg a alpha alpha0 alpha00 alphaalpha alphalambda b beta betasl burnin c delta iteration lambda lambda0 lambda00 m ngrp nm nu pi thin time tl tr x xplot1 xplot2 ymax 4 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 1,340 reg.cpp : 180 valgrind_log executable-test-file