This web page shows the issues in the functions in the package selectiveInference if there are any. The table below shows the list of inputs passed that are generated by fuzzers and the valgrind issues with corresponding CPP file and line number.


R: 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) -- "Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out"
VALGRIND: valgrind-3.15.0
PACKAGE: release before 2021-01-01
name inputs message file.line valgrind_log executable.file
selectiveInference:::log_density_gaussian_conditional_ noise_scale offset optimization_linear optimization_state Invalid read of size 8 randomized_lasso.c : 147 valgrind_log executable-test-file
selectiveInference:::log_density_laplace_conditional_ noise_scale offset optimization_linear optimization_state Invalid read of size 8 randomized_lasso.c : 183 valgrind_log executable-test-file
selectiveInference:::solve_QP bound ever_active gradient kkt_stop kkt_tol linear_func max_active max_iter nactive objective_stop objective_tol param_stop parameter_tol Sigma theta Invalid read of size 8 Rcpp-debias.cpp : 37 valgrind_log executable-test-file
selectiveInference:::solve_QP_wide bound ever_active gradient kkt_stop kkt_tol linear_func max_active max_iter nactive objective_stop objective_tol param_stop parameter_tol ridge_term theta X_theta X Invalid write of size 4 quadratic_program_wide.c : 151 valgrind_log executable-test-file
selectiveInference:::solve_barrier_ conjugate_arg feasible_point initial_step max_iter min_iter precision value_tol Invalid read of size 8 Rcpp-randomized.cpp : 152 valgrind_log executable-test-file
selectiveInference:::update1_ k m Q2 w Invalid read of size 8 matrixcomps.c : 81 valgrind_log executable-test-file